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choose to believe,
& somehow miracles will come by

A Daniel Powter moment on Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nick says: You're like fucking hideous now. But I'll still be your friend.
I say: pubichead.
And so, I had a bad day.
Er, make that bad week.
It's too long and tiring a story to share and I would rather be civil.
& Not because of dearest Nicky, he should not have the priviledge.
Can't say I bet next week will be better. School starts next week D:
Note to self: read up on "optimism"

>> I was counting on forever,

pardonnes moi, karma on Thursday, October 8, 2009

What goes around, comes around. What goes up must come down.

I've been out everyday of this week, and I've witnessed rude behaviour at least once
each time I'm out. Okay, not that I'm the most polite person in the world, hell no.
But. I've been the third person in these situations and I find them, well, piss offs.

 Situation 1 : You know those huge signs on the MRT, "reserved seats" in the corner? Yeah, a pregnant woman carrying tons of bags walks in along with a teenage girl. The reserved seat is free. They come in at the same time but the teenage girl hurries and snags the seat. If it wasn't wtf enough, she had the gall to glare at the pregnant woman when she set her bags down. The hell?

Situation 2 : I was in a cab, and there was this truck just ahead that was moving rather slowly, so the cab driver wanted to go on ahead, two lanes anyway right? Well, the truck driver swerved in front and blocked our passage and continued his road slug speed. It made the cab driver swear D:

Situation 3 : I was in the ladies' and this little girl was so short, she couldn't really reach the tap. I moved to help her, but another woman moved to help her too, I assumed. I assumed wrong. The woman pressed on the tap for herself and shook her hands so vigorously that some water hit the girl's face. Poor thing. Her mom came out of the cubicle then, and pressed the tap for her daughter. OMG.

Situation 4 : I was walking home today, and I heard rustling behind me - there was a bike. I moved. Up ahead, there were two girls walking side by side, and the cyclist had no bell, and didn't bother to say "excuse me" so the the girls had no idea there was a bike behind them. He nearly knocked into them, and he dismounted his bike. He went past them, dragging his bike along, and turned around saying, "eh can you all be more considerate to your surroundings anot? Walao eh (expletives)." Then he rode off.

Come on, is it really that hard, does it squeeze balls to say excuse me?
Is it nauseating to help someone press something?
And would it kill you to let someone else have a seat?

>> I was counting on forever,

lo(ea)ve me. on Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Take my hand, and my breath
let's dance to slow melody.
Let heartbeats hammer, light hearts afire
til there's none but you and me.

Do you dare to play a game,
at risk down danger's waters?
Into the deep and even deeper,
where nothing else matters.

Still your lips stray closer,
I just need/want you to see.
Don't whisper you love me, baby,
if you're just gonna leave.

>> I was counting on forever,

Facts up on Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fact or fiction? Fantasy/Reality? What would you prefer?
If happy little blue birds fly, above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?

Sometimes, it's so hard to differentiate fantasy from reality.
Know what makes it so hard? It's that fantasy is better, so much better.
You can build it, can shape it = you control it. And that is power, baby.
Yeah, life's so unpredictable and a lot of shit come along, but if you do
not face it, how do you get stronger? If you keep hiding in Neverland,
then how can you ever grow up? But you know, if you think about it,
life - reality - has so much to offer.
You just have to, I don't know, look.

P.S.   Don't give up, you're stronger than I am, I know it.
And if you ever need it, you have my shoulder to lean on.

>> I was counting on forever,

Smile on Sunday, September 6, 2009

So it may not the easiest thing to do but when you do it, make it count.
"Give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day."
                                                                                                       - PS. I love you

>> I was counting on forever,

Locket or leave it on Friday, September 4, 2009

If I couldn't tell a lie and I said that first time I knew.
I knew that we were supposed to be: I was meant for you.
Back then I didn't think, I was too young to understand
that love came so unpredictably, till you took my hand.
And that was a childhood ago, a tight-wrapped memory
I have the photograph, yellow with age, fondness and glee.
A childhood ago, you found me on a playground on my own.
With my hand in yours you said, "Now you won't be alone."
And that's why I keep this locket and keep us close to heart.
With every step we get better and I knew it, from the start.
And then sadly, you can't  ever wrap your arms around a memory.
 You can only keep it.

>> I was counting on forever,

Starting a routine on Wednesday, September 2, 2009

For some reason, Chu and I like this shot. Oh. I love shots in macro.
We went swimming today. Yargh, my Doc's gonna scold me now.  
Oh, yes, look how one year of not-blogging can cause me to suddenly have
short hair now that I've newly rekindled my blogging.
Tada! My advertising group, just to have a feel of how we
all looked on presentation day. I look like I need to pee D:
I remember my mug-hard days. Wow. Not so long ago. But now, I'm happy and 
well, rather restless at the nothingness of my school life lately. Sometimes, I miss 
working. God. But then all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and me 
haywire, apparently. Sally, Mary and Ipranced around IKEA as our little 
after-exam-I-hate-my-course therapy!
We played and cam-whored, like the old days. More quality, less quantity though.
I really missed this, this side of life. I know I'm lucky to have the friends I
have and I hope to God I never forget it. I don't think they'll let me, anyway.
And of course, visits to IKEA aren't really complete without the food, now is it?
Then, Chu and I, who are study-buddies as well (wtf, study-buddies?!) went to tour
Singapore. Well okay, not really, mostly just City Hall and we didn't get lost which
is a feat, especially if I'm with her. Brought the DSLR so we could experiment and
practice. That cb hates my photos of her D:  How could you, Chu? How could you!

Then, she took a blur shot. Neneh.
Last year's retreat camp: masquerade baby! Aww, it's my "before" shot.
- end of film stock.

Sigh. I miss my long hair because now when I wanna play with my hair or twirl
it, which is a habit of mine, I can't anymore because it's so short now. Tsk. Oh well.

>> I was counting on forever,